Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Brighton Bracelet

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE jewelry! That is just something I love. Some folks like their car (a lot), some clothing (just so it's comfortable - fine with me), and some their house (oh, I love mine very much, but it's not my fixation). So here's a little story which is an excellent example of God's individual love for us.

Earlier in the week I got an email from Brighton (somehow on their mailing list, and I own merely one pr. of earrings and one earring tree from there, but do love their jewelry) stating that the 2008 Power of Pink bracelet benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness Project was coming out. There was no photo of it...not available until Friday at stores. OK. Fine. It did trigger in me the memory of a previous bracelet that I did really like with little charms, crystals, and hearts. Huh...I looked on E-bay...yes one could see them for sale there and they were so cute! I put it out of mind. Completely forgot about it.

On Friday morning while checking my email, it reoccurred to me..."I wonder what that Brighton bracelet looks like?" I checked the website and I really didn't like it :( OK, that's great so now I don't need it, right? I don't even want it :) I go to Bible study, run some errands, and since I am finally out and about after my confinement, decide to check out a little up-scale resale shop - Clothes Mentor. Recently I had been pondering finding a Vera Bradley backpack-style purse. It seemed something to be on a quest for - something I really didn't need, but something to look for. So, I looked around. No Vera Bradley backpacks today (they have had them on other days!). I just perused the jewelry and what should appear???? The exact Brighton bracelet I had seen and thought was so cute. Right there in front of me!! Better yet, half the price of it's retail cost! I tried it on. It was stunning! I smiled. Thinking God had planned that 'needle in a haystack' find for me before the beginning of time. He put the desire in my heart for that particular bracelet. He guided me to that store. HE allowed me to have the surprise, joy, and laughter of that moment! He is so good! For anyone else that bracelet on that day was nothing. To me it was everything. He showed me that in that moment, I was in the center of His will for me! I praise Him and I write of it as a testimony to His love for me and all other Christians! I will speak His name boldly for 'He has done great things'!

The epilogue is even sweet. Later that day I received another e-mail from Brighton and the price of the new release was now $60, up $10 from last year. Wow! "Honey, I saved us an extra $10!!" :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Things to ponder

  • Sarah Palin as President.

  • Laminin.

  • How do boy puppies know to lift their legs to pee?

  • Sarah Palin as Vice-President.

  • How fast a message can go through cyberspace, yet the price scanner at Meijer cannot go fast nor be accurate.

  • Crazy love.

  • The combined $$$ spent on the Democratic + Republican Conventions. = enough to end world hunger?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

10 Good Things about Where I Live

OK - Angie my friend who lives in Maputo, Mozambique tagged me to come up with this list. It seems a good time to reflect on what I am thankful for about where I live. Here it is:

1. Freedom - to go where I wish, associate with anyone I want, attend organized church without fear of imprisionment.

2. Abundance - I can always buy food, clothing, necessities....they are everywhere and not rationed.

3. Opportunity - I can attain for myself all kinds of degrees, education, knowledge. With opportunity in learning comes opportunity in jobs/income.

4. Amenities - in Perrysburg I have access to great parks, Maumee River (only look, don't touch!), free concerts, great walking paths, gardens, library.

5. My house - very comfortable, great location, field in backyard (not crowded by neighbors), great sounds outside at night as I sleep with the windows open.

6. Shopping - grocery stores, Target, Michael's all close.

7. Eating - trivia: per capita Toledo has one of the highest restaurant:people ratios in the US! OK, I do complain no Tim Horton's or Chipolte within 5 miles, but you have to have goals, right?

8. Schools - kids get a great education in public school here.

9. Friends - I have great friends in the area.

10. Proximity to family - although an hour seems far away often, I realize many others would welcome that. So I am happy for what I have!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Just minutes after my last posting, literally minutes, I took a tumble at the driveway and broke my ankle! :( Today I re-read that posting and am filled again with that sense of happiness I had that day! It lifts my spirits on this day of of looking outside at everyone going about their business and me sitting here with my ankle in a huge castboot and hurting! I ask 'Why?" What could be the purpose of this "grounding"? Well, I've learned that God is big enough for me to ask the question, but not always willing to give the answer at the time. Sometimes it's not until later I realize - "Oh, that's why it happened that way!" Sometimes I never find an answer. I have been contented to know that when I reach Heaven and stand before God, He will answer all my questions. But then one day I came to realize - IT WON'T MATTER! When I see Him and Jesus who loves me perfectly - the past will not mater anymore. I doubt I'll even remember what I was so perplexed by here on earth. Just to be with all those who love me and to be free to worship will be Heaven. So for now, I'll put the question to rest. Plan to do some positive things. Re-connect with friends by phone and email. Love my family. Watch Olympics. Read some of the great books on my table. And talk with the One who loves me even longer every day! Maybe those things are some of the answers to the question....WHY?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life is short - enjoy it now!

I spent a few wonderful hours with an old friend today. Once I thought that we'd be working together forever. I always enjoyed working with her! She moved on to another job, got busy, we lost touch. Well, today we had made well-intended plans and had time together! It was memorable and so much fun! Life is short...even 100 years fly by fast, huh Grandpa? Kids grow, days pass without talking to your parents, work tires you, and other duties consume your clock. Today was yet another lesson for me (I need constant reminders) to enjoy life now. I am making plans to spend time with friends. Making time for my husband. Starting to exercise more to just enjoy the freedom in health I have now. So, this is my wisdom for is short, enjoy it NOW!