Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life is short - enjoy it now!

I spent a few wonderful hours with an old friend today. Once I thought that we'd be working together forever. I always enjoyed working with her! She moved on to another job, got busy, we lost touch. Well, today we had made well-intended plans and had time together! It was memorable and so much fun! Life is short...even 100 years fly by fast, huh Grandpa? Kids grow, days pass without talking to your parents, work tires you, and other duties consume your clock. Today was yet another lesson for me (I need constant reminders) to enjoy life now. I am making plans to spend time with friends. Making time for my husband. Starting to exercise more to just enjoy the freedom in health I have now. So, this is my wisdom for is short, enjoy it NOW!

1 comment:

TAC said...

Soooooo... true. The longest time of my life, were the 20+ years it wasn't enjoyed. I don't mean fun-filled, excitement daily, but not being with someone who appreciated or accepted not only the small things in life, but not having God in our married life. It is essential that God is in my life, but missing from a relationship, prevents appreciation of what really matters. I really believe my children benefit from living with one parent, involving God in our lives, than two parents who are divisive. Maybe not now, but I'm certain in years down the road, the truth will be evident.